Lelia Ceausu Published Book Soul Mission

What is the entire book about?

Being on a soul mission may be something we quickly identify with or it could be a new term to us.

Simply put, it is the knowing and feeling that we are on this Earth, at this time, for a purpose or mission, one of our soul.
The contributors in this collaboration all know they are here on a soul mission, one ushering in a new earth. In this publication they are sharing their darkest moments, their summits, along with the messy, beautiful lessons learned along the way.

Be prepared to be inspired, brought to tears, laughter and to use this book as a resource full of tangible tools, mindset shifts and techniques to improve different facets of your life.

This is a co-authored book. Together with other 21 contributors, we are donating all of the earnings to Operation Underground Railroad, a project that is focused on ending child slavery and child trafficking.


Lelia Ceausu Soul Mission Book

Best Seller Soul Mission Book Lelia Ceausu

What is my chapter about?

 My chapter is for a woman who desires to gracefully close her laptop at the end of a working day and take time to recharge without sneak-peaking her emails at ten o’clock in the night.

⨺ For the woman who is looking to self-master the balance between creating success and enjoying her weekends with the people she loves.

⨺ For the woman who is ready to activate her creative sovereign power and allow her intuition to abundantly increase and multiply her highest success.

The chapter I wrote will open up a portal for you to step in and discover the impact that a sacred break can have on your business: clear guidance, creative ideas and solutions, inner gift activations that will make your work easier.


Deep down I know you dream of a different way of working. I know you love efficiency and you long for that harmonic dance between easiness and business expansion.

If we want the world to be that way, I’m here to guide you to radically embody this easiness in your work. To be the leader who paves the way for the generations to come.

This chapter is my gift for you, to show you the steps of implementing sacred breaks in your work and experience the undeniable results they bring.


?  The book became BEST SELLER in  seven countries around the world, in multiple categories.




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Interview with Lelia Ceausu about Soul Mission Book